Outcome4medicine – Consensus Conference in Zurich
8th – 10th June 2022
Defining quality in surgery to improve patient care worldwide
It is a special treat to welcome you in Zurich to the international “OUTCOME4MEDICINE” consensus conference. The idea for this meeting was born out of our collaborative research projects on how to measure and improve outcomes after surgery over the last 20 years. Surgical complications put a high burden on patients and are a major global public health problem. To reduce the burden from complications and improve outcomes relevant to patients, providers, and other stakeholders it is essential these outcomes are measured reliably. In this conference we tackle the challenge that no consensus exists on how outcomes should be measured, interpreted, and communicated as a basis for improving surgical care.
The Zurich-Danish consensus conference is an effort to bring together experts from the medical field along with a high profile and independent Jury that will develop recommendations. Nine panels of international experts worked for two years and will bring their solutions on how to assess outcomes after medical interventions. The suggestions of the panels will be presented during the meeting in front of the Jury and participants. After discussions in the plenary, the Jury will frame recommendations and propose a level of significance and applicability. Finally, these recommendations will be published in a top-ranking journal to help clinicians and researcher measure and improve the quality of their surgical interventions.
Our consensus conference holds additional lectures which impact the public and health care globally and are thereby of interest for our audience. We invited outstanding speakers to talk about systemic racism, climate change and global security. But above all it is a one-of-a-kind chance to stimulate discussion between all stakeholders concerned with outcome after surgical interventions.
Visit website and register www.outcome4medicine.ch