2024 our association has been supported by the following sponsors:
Advanz Pharma Specialty Medicine Switzerland GmbH
c/o Regus – Zurich City West
Badenerstrasse 549
8048 Zurich, Switzerland
T: +41 44 208 3616
F: +41 44 208 3500
E: info-CH@advanzpharma.com
W: www.advanzpharma.com
Astellas Pharma AG
Richtiring 28
8304 Wallisellen, Switzerland
Astra Zeneca AG
Neuhofstrasse 34
6340 Baar
T: +41 41 725 75 75
F: +41 41 725 76 76
E: info@astrazeneca.ch
W: www.astrazeneca.ch
Curatis AG
Weierweg 7
4410 Liestal
T: +41 61 927 87 77
F: +41 61 927 87 75
E: info@curatis.com
W: www.curatis.com
Sägereistrasse 20
CH-8152 Glattbrugg
T: +41 44 874 90 00
E: Info@drfalkpharma.ch
W: www.drfalkpharma.ch
Eisai Pharma AG
Leutschenbachstrasse 95
8050 Zürich, Switzerland
T: +41 44 306 12 12
E: info_eisaiswitzerland@eisai.net
W: www.eisai.ch
ewimed Switzerland AG
Freiburgstrasse 453
CH-3018 Bern
Gilead Sciences Switzerland Sàrl
General-Guisan-Strasse 8
6300 Zug, Switzerland
T: +41 41 580 02 00
F: +41 41 580 02 98
E: info.switzerland@gilead.com
W: www.gilead.com
Hurdnerstrasse 119
8640 Hurden/SZ, Switzerland
Ipsen Pharma Schweiz GmbH
Industriestrasse 47
6300 Zug, Switzerland
T: +41 41 501 58 08
E: Patiententhemen@ipsen.com
W: www.ipsen.ch
Roche Pharma (Schweiz) AG
Gartenstrasse 9
4052 Basel
T: +41 61 715 41 11
F: +41 61 715 43 31
E: fokus.mensch@roche.com
W: www.roche-fokus-mensch.ch
Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AG
Suurstoffi 14
CH-6343 Rotkreuz
T: +41 41 763 74 11
E: info.switzerland@sandoz.com
W: www.sandoz.com
sanofi-aventis (schweiz) ag
3, route de Montfleury
Postfach 777
1214 Vernier
T: +41 58 440 21 00
E: contact.ch@sanofi.com
W: www.sanofi.ch
Realisation without influence of the sponsors (pharmaceutical industry)