Executive Board

The Swiss Association of Liver Patients (Swiss HePa) is represented externally by the Executive Board. It administers the association's funds, decides how the association's assets will be used and leads the association's activities.

The members of the Executive Board of Swiss HePa include:

Carina Bobzin

Carina Bobzin, Zurich (ZH)

Founder and President
Fighting the disease with strength: ‘My 16-year-old daughter was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis with overlap syndrome PSC/UC in 2015. What followed was a long period of suffering with severe complications and many hospital stays. However, the worst thing about it was the strong feeling of uncertainty and the many questions. That’s exactly what Swiss HePa is all about: finding answers together and supporting those affected in a meaningful way.'
Fabienne Uehara

Fabienne Uehara

‘I am committed to ensuring that patients can obtain information. As a person with PBC, I know what it means to have liver disease.’
Sarah Zingg

Sarah Zingg

Executive Board member
‘As a family member and MPA, I would like to share my experiences and knowledge with the outside world in order to educate and support those affected.’
PD Dr. med. Benedetta Terziroli Beretta-Piccoli

Dr Benedetta Terziroli Beretta-Piccoli, Associate Professor, Lugano (TI)

Executive Board member
‘I co-founded Swiss HePa because sharing experiences is vital in the fight against liver diseases and improving the quality of care.’
Prof. Dr. Jean-François Dufour

Prof. Dr. Jean-François Dufour, Pully (VD)

Executive Board member
‘This is a unique and necessary association to advance the cause of liver disease through the voice of patients.’
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kremer

Prof. Dr. med Andreas Kremer, Zürich (ZH)

Executive Board member
‘I support Swiss HePa to better voice the concerns of patients with liver disease, to promote interaction between physicians and patients, and to inform about new recommendations and therapeutic standards.’
Dr. Prof. med. Darius Moradpour

Prof. Dr. med. Darius Moradpour, Lausanne (VD)

Advisory Board
«As a member of the advisory board of Swiss HePa, I would like to contribute to making the concerns of patients with liver diseases heard and to communicate advances in this field in a scientifically sound and easily understandable way.»
Dr. Prof. med. Beat Müllhaupt

Prof. Dr. med. Beat Müllhaupt, Zürich (ZH)

Advisory Board
«I support Swiss HePa raise awareness and support for liver diseases in Switzerland through the voice of the patients.»